Web application
Advanced web application development,back-end and front-end, API for mobile applications
Every web application requires a front-end. We provide front-end development using cutting edge technologies.
SSR, React, Angular, Vue.js, JQuery, JavaScript etc. Expert front-end architecture guarantees the application working speed, and UX prototypes provide a user-friendly interface.
We offer software architecture of any scale and aligned with your goals. From monolithic applications and services to well-calculated microarchitecture and load distribution.
To select the best suited approach, please contact our team. Together we can find the exact web-application for your needs.
The client only uses the browser created with one of JavaScript technologies and sends individual requests to the server, where the back-end and the main architecture are located.
Client-server architecture of web applications
This is the best approach, especially if we talk about large interfaces and display of big data. Some good examples are the stock exchange interface or analysis summaries on production managers terminals like SCADA.
The correct approach to developing a product is always planning a detailed architecture and the servers. These will provide the swift and high-quality work.
An effective cloud-based landing sites builder that allows you to create your own web site, consisting of one or several landing pages, in a short time and without any special experience.
An advertising exchange that combines several popular ad formats from regular banners to clickunder's. The project brings together those who want to sell ad impressions and those who want to purchase them using the CPC format.
To implement the project and create an online service for the exchange of advertising posts in social networks, with collection of statistics and reports with screenshots, with calculation of the cost-per-click and customer acquisition advertising costs.
The online service evatalk.ru, distributed according to the SaaS model (monthly subscription), allows you to create online chats with voice assistants who understand your speech and respond with a voice. The solution was developed using Yandex SpeechKit voice technologies.
Маркетплейс для оптовых покупателей промышленного оборудования и запчастей к нему. Особенность маркетплейса в постоянном контроле остатков от сотен поставщиков на основе прайс листов.
Система аналитики продаж для продавцов Wildberries с получением данных через официальное API и парсинг страниц товаров маркетплейса. Результатом проекта стала удобная система прозрачной аналитики и управлению заказов новых товаров исходя из автоматических рекомендаций, отталкиваясь от скорости реализации.
The project combines a service for collecting (parsing) data referring to all transactions on the Binance exchange and to a variety of key pairs, as well as for providing analytical reports for different data segments to monitor market fluctuations and to detect the activity of major players.
The service automates interaction of all parts of courier delivery. Online stores, offline stores, pickup points, warehouses, partner networks. With statistics, calculation of finance, statuses and notifications for orders.
Usually payment applications are created alongside with mobile ones, and they have the common server part.
When developing solutions for money transfers, we pay special attention to information security and safety of transactions.
The whole process of logistics, from delivering a package to forming documentation, can be automated.
We have an extensive experience with courier services for online-shopping as well as international shipping on a large scale.
Заключаем договор на разработку веб-приложения по согласованному техническому заданию, за определенную цену, в определенные договором сроки, с фиксированным объемом работ.
Проект разделяется на отдельные этапы, на каждый из них формируется свое техническое задание, оплата каждого этапа производится согласно затраченному времени. Этап делится на недельные спринты, в конце каждого спринта формируются отчеты, промежуточные сдачи работ.
Из общего технического задания или задумок клиента выделяется приоритетный функционал, на основе которого можно собрать MVP (минимально жизнеспособный продукт) версию веб-приложения. Обычно мы берем объем функционала, который умещается в 2 человеко-месяца работы. MVP версия делается по фиксированной стоимости, а дальнейшая работа строится на парадигме T&M формата, небольшими этапами-спринтами.