class of ERP systems for enterprise management

project summary

It was necessary to develop a software product for business automation, which would take into account all the nuances and features of management and accounting, as well as allow the headquarters management to quickly receive information about the progress of work in the fields.


Before starting development, we had to spend a lot of time and efforts collecting information and examining activities for geological exploration and field development. During this stage of work our experts:

  • Studied the organization of production processes at the sites.
  • Got acquainted with the record keeping system for the work done, the consumption of materials and resources.
  • Collected data on the accounting principles of the work performed and the calculation of staff salaries at production sites.

On the basis of the obtained data further project activities were built.



Development of the product took 5 months and required an in-depth study of the specifics of geological exploration fields processes. Actually, collecting and analyzing information turned out to be the most time consuming part of the product planning and design.

At the same time it was necessary to adhere to traditional format of presenting data of current statistics that the organization was used to. As a result, we were able to adequately describe the work procedures, create an optimized and a predictive model, and develop a unified system for automation of geological exploration activities.

Obtained Results

The automated control system developed by us covers all aspects of the exploration sites activities.  


Every day section managers fill out a single reporting form, containing:

  • Penetration report.
  • Hours that employees worked on drilling machines or other work.
  • Consumption of materials, fuel and other material resources.
  • Information about violations of discipline, safety measures, etc.
  • Other information related to everyday work in the field.

The information entered into the system is accumulated in the database and processed on the fly. Management of the company at any time can request reports for the period of interest or for specific dates and receive detailed information, which is presented in the form of easy-to-read tables and graphs.


Our product significantly simplified the payroll process for employees involved in exploration sites activities. We developed a clear work time tracking system based on the time-bonus system used in the company, taking into account accord payments and fines for various violations.

Automatic maintenance of timesheets for every employee eliminates the possibility of fraud and postscripts, makes the wage formation process as transparent and understandable as possible.


Based on the accumulated data the system predicts key indicators, calculating expected completion dates for contracts, planned rate of penetration (ROP) and other factors. The system automatically prepares schedules of current work and their planned indicators, schedules of personnel shifts with the most equitable distribution of working and free days. It predicts the need of each site for materials, fuel and other resources for the remaining period of work.



Automated system considerably simplified the work of planning and accounting departments of the company, minimized planning and reporting time. At the same time it reduced the number of department personnel, since manual calculations were practically excluded.

Daily reports from site managers and shift foremen allow for real-time accounting, which significantly reduces the risk of data manipulation, various fraudulent activities with performance indicators and salary payments.

This made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency and manageability of the company, reduce current costs, promptly respond to problems arising in the fields in remote regions, and timely supply resources necessary for the fastest completion of work.